Blue Print

Introduction Trade & Expansion

Shipping Port Expansion & Development

A Box OF Crates / Coins

Shipping Port + Road / Train - A River Of Energy / Life

A Brief Understanding Of The Formula To Avoid The Drama

A Moving Port = Road + A Exchange Port / Station

Think Outside The Box - A River Port / Powered By A Water DAM = Small Bit Of Energy For Transmission - Banking

Blue Prints For Village Expansion + Trade & Moving SHippment Through = Needs To Be Calculated In The Begining Of The Building = Stone Would Be A Good Safe Point For Developement & Notes

The Shop Distributor For People To Take A Share Of The Goods In The Market & Grow Economy

The Mall = Community Absorber Of Wealth For Easy Access / Know That It Must Be State Run To Return Funds To The Community OR A Community Trust / The Community Has Shares & Therefore Can Add Community Products To The Shelf & Community Wealth Can Grow = Leading To New Branches